How do I pay for my library fine?



The Library has put in place the following procedures for the payment of monies owed to the Library.  

You are advised to check your Library records and to clear fines/dues to ensure receipt of exam results. For any questions about payment amounts or issues that may occur, please contact Sushila Lal, Reader Services Librarian.



1.  Pay in person at the Main Issue Desk at the Library. 

We accept cash payment only. Please bring your Student ID with you and wait for a receipt.



1. Pay in person at the Cashier's Office on campus.

Please bring your Student ID with you and wait for a receipt. Bring the receipt with you back to the campus library to have your library account updated and the fine cleared.



1. Internet Banking or Direct Deposit to USP’s Bank Accounts – refer to USP Account details provided below:  


Quote Student ID No., Name and "library fine" in the deposit narration for easy identification. When payment is completed, send either a screenshot or a photo of the receipt to the RS Librarian - - to confirm payment received and cleared with the USP Finance team. 

 ANZ Bank

A/C Name: The University of the South Pacific

A/C No: 05153156


Address: ANZ House

25 Victoria Parade

Suva, Fiji 

Swift Code: ANZBFJFX

BSB# 010890 

Bank of South Pacific (BSP)

A/C Name: The University of the South Pacific

A/C No: 83070458


Address: BSP-Damodar City Branch,

Shops 3&4 Damodar City Centre

Suva, Fiji

Swift Code: BOSPFJFJ

BSB# 069000

Westpac Bank (WBC)

A/C Name: The University of the South Pacific

A/C No: 9801283327


Address: Westpac Banking Corporation

Suva Branch, 1 Thomson Street

Suva, Fiji

Swift Code: WPACFJFX

BSB# 039001



2.  USP’s online platform. NB there is a service charge


Payment using USP’s online platform  incur service charges by the payer (an additional fee of 2.5%). 

 This payment method takes 3-5 working days to be updated into the student’s account. Please include in payment description your Student ID No. and Name and "library fine".

  • Last Updated Jul 05, 2023
  • Views 329
  • Answered By Julia Peters

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