What is the PG IRS?

Information about signing up for and completing the Post Graduate Information Research Skills Course.


Pg IRS – What you need to know

When you log into Moodle you should automatically be registered for the course.  If you cannot see Information Research Skills PG Programme - Semester X Year then please email the address at the bottom of the screen with your student ID number and ask to be added to Moodle.


  • The course is made up of 5 modules.  There are five (5) assignments in total.
  • The things that you learn from the course will help you to research, organise and reference the information you find in your studies.
  • The assignments are not long essays.  In many cases we want you to learn how to use a search tool, take some screenshots as evidence that you know how to use it, and submit them.  Sometimes we might ask you to write a paragraph or two as well.
  • The due dates are advice only, if you miss a deadline it’s okay, just try not to leave everything until the end of the semester, because you have your other courses to concentrate on too.
  • All assignments must be submitted through Moodle, from week 2 of the semester we offer face-to-face tutorials for those who may need tech help.  The face-to-face classes are not mandatory.
  • Face-to-face tutorials run 5 sessions a week.  Classes are 90mins long.  If you miss a tutorial, we do repeat the sessions throughout the semester.  You need to book online to attend but we send details of this via Moodle.
  • The deadline can be found in the course outline but is usually toward the end of the semester.  All assignments must be submitted by then.
  • On completion of the program, an IRS Completion MOODLE badge is issued online.


If you have any other questions contact irslibrary@usp.ac.fj

  • Last Updated Feb 02, 2023
  • Views 2333
  • Answered By Julia Peters

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