Can I bring my bag into the library?


One (1) bag per user is allowed into the USP libraries under the following conditions.  (Note: No bags with wheels and No bags are permitted into the Pacific Collection).

  • Authorised University staff will inspect bags and their contents as users enter and leave the Library.  If a user refuses such inspection of their bags or other receptacles, they may be refused entry or asked to leave the Library.
  • The following are not permitted into the Library:  food, liquids other than water, sharp objects, scissors, razors, industrial tools, weapons of any kind, sports gear, umbrellas, wet rainwear.
  • Library staff will not mind bags for Library users.
  • Bags are to be stored safely near the owner so as not to block any aisle, bookshelf or passageway.   Bags must not create a safety hazard to Library users or staff.  The Library will not be responsible for any injuries sustained by users as a result of bags in the Library.
  • A fine of $5.00 will be charged to any Library user leaving unattended bags or personal belongings in the Library foyer or near the entrance.  University staff will confiscate these materials, and the fine must be paid to retrieve them.
  • The Library shall reserve the right to remove any personal belongings that are left unattended in the Library. These materials will be treated as lost property.
  • The Library shall not be held responsible in any way for the loss of or damage to personal belongings.  Thefts have occurred in the library. Bags and valuables in the Library are the responsibility of the owner and should not be left unattended.
  • There will be no after-hours retrieval of bags or possessions left in the Library.
  • Special conditions may apply in the regional branches of the USP Libraries.

Library users are also kindly asked to note the following:

Procedures for Missing Items:  Items (including bags, pencil cases, phones, wallets, etc.) that go missing in the Library shall be reported to University Security (not the Library) by the user.

Queues:  may form at both ends as checking of bags may entail more time. 

  • Last Updated Jan 21, 2021
  • Views 1183
  • Answered By Julia Peters

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