What is the policy for a noise violation? Will I be fined for talking or using my phone?


We ask that you respect the right of other users to be able to study in the library without being disturbed.  Generally, silence should be observed in the library.  The exception is the Learning Commons on Level A which is reserved for group work and using mobile phones.

Any person who fails to observe the rules on noise control in the Library will be fined on the first two occasions by the authority of the University Librarian, at the rate stated in the Fees section of the USP Handbook and Calendar.   

Noise penalties                  Laucala FJ$       Samoa Tala       Emalus Vatu  
First Offence 40 50 2,060
Second Offence 70 100 4,120


Borrowing privileges shall cease until the fine has been paid.

On a third occasion, a thirty-day period of exclusion from the Library shall be imposed. Phones can be set to silent and used while in the library - but no talking on the phone. 

Thank you



  • Last Updated Nov 26, 2021
  • Views 159
  • Answered By Julia Peters

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